ESG Report
Welcome to our ESG Report for 2022 and 2023. On this site you’ll find a summary of what we’ve achieved over the past two years, alongside our main goals for the future.
It’s been a busy and fulfilling couple of years for EnviroSustain: with some great new clients, a new office in Kassel, and a growing team.
The bigger picture has been more complex: with war in Europe and political instability across the globe, rising fuel costs, fear over food security and mass migration have become the new norm. With such conflicting priorities, the climate crisis has continued to worsen, with 2023 the hottest year on record and six of the nine planetary boundaries breached.
However, we remain optimistic. Demand for climate reporting continues to grow, with more and more of our clients requesting decarbonisation studies, green building certifications and ESG reporting.
At EnviroSustain we continue to do all we can to reduce our negative environmental impact and create positive impact where we can as you will see throughout this report.
In 2024, our main focus will be on optimizing our organizational processes and paying even greater attention to the health and well-being of our employees. We will also make a targeted commitment to projects and partnerships that have a positive impact on our environment and continue to work on reducing our own ecological footprint bit by bit.
We hope our dedication to our Vision –
Healthy, sustainable space.
For everyone.
is reflected in this report.