Envirosustain | ESG Report 2022/23
In June 2023, we met with the Rewilding Oder Delta team to get creative for the design of the site, which includes an old villa, a vacant barn and a large outdoor area. The site is intended to fulfill a variety of functions in the future in order to increase public acceptance of the “Rewilding” concept. In addition to office and conference space and overnight accommodation for the local team, we want to develop the site into a cultural center and meeting place.
However, the project is not just about the future use of the area. Rather, it is about keeping the big picture in mind. For example: How is a self-sufficient energy supply possible? Will the on-site organic wastewater treatment plant continue to operate?
Can rainwater be collected for dry periods? How can the old barn be rebuilt in the best possible way using local resources such as straw, wood and clay? For the project starting in 2024, we will be working with the Natural Building Lab at TU Berlin as well as local engineers and architects to support Rewilding from the planning and implementation stages through to the commissioning of the center.
To actively protect the region right now, part of our team got involved with Rewilding Oder Delta in September 2023 for a cleaner Ina River in western Poland. They cleaned up a section of about 4 km of the Ina River from canoes (between Goleniow and Stargard) and had fun while doing it and in beautiful surroundings.
Initiatives supported